clear glass!!!

thought i would share here:
i know several boat detailers... and none have had the solution until i finally remembered to ask the last of them. He's been doing it the shortest amount of time so i was going to guess he wouldn't have any insight beyond the others, but i was a bit mistaken about that.. i learned a lot from this guy in a short amount of time.
cut to the chase:
I have terrible mineral deposits on my glass... i've used about everything short of steel wool to clean it, but found nothing. I was, literally, about to go the steel wool route.
do any of you have a glass cook-top? guess what? the cleaner/polisher for those things is magic... micro-fiber wipe it on, allow it to dry a bit, micro fiber wipe it off... poof- no more 'water spots'... the glass is likely 98% as clear as it was from the factory. whodathunkit? As soon as he suggested it i was onboard long before he shared experiences. it just makes sense. and, it does a fantastic job.
not eisenglass, but the windshield. now my perpetually clean boat has clean glass to match.. it's akin to polishing and waxing a show car all you want- (not that my boat is a show car or anything close)- if the headlights are cloudy, it just doesn't look clean.. spiff up the headlight/lightcovers and it can be just 'pretty clean' and looks better than perfect with cloudy headlight.. same thing with the boat... no matter how clean, a dirty windshield detracts...
i highly recommend it, especially if you've allowed the mineral deposits to stack up or were as helpless as i was to get rid of them.... it's like i wiped off 12 years of salt water build up.. actually, i probably did...
i know several boat detailers... and none have had the solution until i finally remembered to ask the last of them. He's been doing it the shortest amount of time so i was going to guess he wouldn't have any insight beyond the others, but i was a bit mistaken about that.. i learned a lot from this guy in a short amount of time.
cut to the chase:
I have terrible mineral deposits on my glass... i've used about everything short of steel wool to clean it, but found nothing. I was, literally, about to go the steel wool route.
do any of you have a glass cook-top? guess what? the cleaner/polisher for those things is magic... micro-fiber wipe it on, allow it to dry a bit, micro fiber wipe it off... poof- no more 'water spots'... the glass is likely 98% as clear as it was from the factory. whodathunkit? As soon as he suggested it i was onboard long before he shared experiences. it just makes sense. and, it does a fantastic job.
not eisenglass, but the windshield. now my perpetually clean boat has clean glass to match.. it's akin to polishing and waxing a show car all you want- (not that my boat is a show car or anything close)- if the headlights are cloudy, it just doesn't look clean.. spiff up the headlight/lightcovers and it can be just 'pretty clean' and looks better than perfect with cloudy headlight.. same thing with the boat... no matter how clean, a dirty windshield detracts...
i highly recommend it, especially if you've allowed the mineral deposits to stack up or were as helpless as i was to get rid of them.... it's like i wiped off 12 years of salt water build up.. actually, i probably did...
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)