Any negative effects on half exhaust bellow vs full?

Im doing my bellows and gimball on the bravo 2 soon. The PO had no idea when they were done last.
With my 220 hp diesel freeing up any midrange to top end up is good.
Any negative effects to running a half exhaust bellow? Should free up some back pressure.
With my 220 hp diesel freeing up any midrange to top end up is good.
Any negative effects to running a half exhaust bellow? Should free up some back pressure.
I'm cruising around 20 to 22 mph which is good but i want to increase cruise to about 25.
I may need to strip the bottom paint then wet sand/polish the gelcoat under the paint if shes had little to no blistering
I did install a boost gauge but it was not reading, i have another being shipped that will arrive in a day or two.
If I'm making 25 lbs of boost at w.o.t. I'll know im good.
Im not sure that's what your case was or if it was an install issue.