Anchoring out

While we have spent many a night on our 270, we have not spent a night on the hook.i will be doing that weekend after myself! The place I'm going is up a natural spring that feeds into the river. It's kind of a long narrow run so boats tend to anchor side ways to the current and throw an anchor out the bow and stern as there is a little bit of current. I'm concerned about foul weather over night, is it safe to anchor overnight that way. They don't space to allow natural swing off the bow anchor ..
You dont have lines between anchor just one line from bow to each anchor.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
Your issue is going to be when running the genny, the wind and current are rarely going to go in the same direction.
But yes 2 should be good I'd think.
I don't think is a debate, just keeping all aboard safe.
I also don't use a stern anchor when running anyting except maybe to fire up a microwave for. 3 min
YYZRC, we have done all types of anchoring as well and just have 3 CO detectors (one being portable with readings that sit in the aft cabin with the kids. We don't runny genny overnight, but do anchor with others that do. I'll add that even with wind in correct direction off the bow, that CO can come in. I've seen it come in thru the side thru the sink drain (yes, I've measure it there). So, detectors are your best friend.
...back to topic. Ras, why would you make your first night of anchoring so difficult!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
On the hook life lol
Are you keeping track of this hurricane?