Hi, have a problem with my Raymarine C70, specifically no gps fix. Has anyone got a Raystar 130? Got any suggestions why it would just stop working? Do you need to replace a battery?
And my comment is 100% true! My 650 flew this morning for the first time in 6 months. We ran the aircraft twice last week. The first run we had no ignition on the RH engine and throttle lever 1 and 2 failed with no inputs. Shut down and tried again, all good. Second time we ran there was no power to the pilots audio control panel, reset the breaker, all good. Left this morning with no issues. I really hate flying on aircraft I haven’t worked on. Whenever we fly commercial my wife asks me tons of questions about the plane and I’m thinking of possible issues!
Found the pics from when I had no fix on my C70. Here is where the battery goes, it’s a standard CR2032 that all hardware stores carry. Replace battery and your fix is back for another decade or more:
Found the pics from when I had no fix on my C70. Here is where the battery goes, it’s a standard CR2032 that all hardware stores carry. Replace battery and your fix is back for another decade or more:
Perfect, thanks!!!...although mine doesn’t look like that. It has the square piece but not the battery. Is yours the same model Raystar 130 E32153?
Sorry about that. When I was going through this I was told that mine was a 130 and the 130 had the battery. Perhaps that was bad info though. Have you tried Raymarine? They no longer support the blog style site that you see when you google Raymarine issues. Just this summer they launched a new website. I have sent in questions about their Axiom system in my new boat and they have been very helpful with fast responses. You can upload and send the pics through it. Here is their new platform: https://raymarine.custhelp.com/app/home
Sorry about that. When I was going through this I was told that mine was a 130 and the 130 had the battery. Perhaps that was bad info though. Have you tried Raymarine? They no longer support the blog style site that you see when you google Raymarine issues. Just this summer they launched a new website. I have sent in questions about their Axiom system in my new boat and they have been very helpful with fast responses. You can upload and send the pics through it. Here is their new platform: https://raymarine.custhelp.com/app/home
Not a problem I was the fix was as simple as a new battery....chances are it doesn’t need an external battery and relies of main power which means either no power or it’s dead!
Thanks for the link I’ll take a look.
If money was falling of a tree I’d upgrade the lot, but that’s out of the question new kit is ridiculously expensive! If I can’t fix I’m toying with ipad technology and a holder !
have googled and other models seem to have a batter but this one doesn’t.
This isn't an android or a sophisticated airplane lol!!😂😂
When in doubt, turn off, disconnect, reconnect and turn back on.
@aero3113 stated that airplanes need this reboot from time to time, i have not flown since. True story.
My 650 flew this morning for the first time in 6 months. We ran the aircraft twice last week. The first run we had no ignition on the RH engine and throttle lever 1 and 2 failed with no inputs. Shut down and tried again, all good. Second time we ran there was no power to the pilots audio control panel, reset the breaker, all good. Left this morning with no issues. I really hate flying on aircraft I haven’t worked on. Whenever we fly commercial my wife asks me tons of questions about the plane and I’m thinking of possible issues!
Raystar120 - has a soldered battery
Raystar125 - has a peaceable battery
but the Raystar130....no idea!
Thanks for the link I’ll take a look.