Great idea @richtaylor1971 but as Handy points out there's no definitive source and it varies from year to year and model to model. Even during the same model/year there can be differences for example different fridge manufacturer's and if someone ordered custom features it can change again. But if anybody has a particular model and needs help sourcing something, odds are somebody here has done it before and may have the information.
I think we'd need to somehow organize it by headings. Engine, drive, fridges, etc. Otherwise could be a jumbled mess. And limit the aftermarket custom stuff. If it wasn't part of the original boat don't include it. If we need a recommendation on new speakers or electronics or whatever we can still ask for it. Just my 2 cents.
Im after everything and something, like my old chris craft, most of it was taylormade, if not, youd be told the supplier etc etc
After - love a list of Gelcoat colour codes for hull and main dash (pinkish grey..!), plus who made the dash wood effect panels (need some new ones) , 3m di noc equivalent? ( greatlakes dont have them), olus after an original contactor for shore power (mines got the Buzz and UK isnt that good for US contactors..)
But if anybody has a particular model and needs help sourcing something, odds are somebody here has done it before and may have the information.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)