Shift Cable Clip

Anyone ever have their shift cable come unclipped at the drive? We were leaving to head back to the dock after an overnight on the hook, got up on plane and about 2 minutes later my starboard engine started to rev. I pulled back the throttles tried to shift the starboard engine into forward and reverse, nothing, would only rev like it was in neutral. I thought for sure I lost a coupler or worst case a drive. I shut down the starboard engine and headed back to the dock on one engine. When we got outside my marina I went to restart starboard so I can have my steering back and nothing, not turning over. I thought for sure worst case scenario. I started thinking, the starter isn’t turning, the neutral safety switch must be out of the detent. I opened the hatch and sure enough, the throttle lever was in neutral but the linkage was forward and the switch was out of the detent. I pushed in the linkage with some force and it popped into place, now the switch was in the detent. Starboard engine started right up and I now had forward and reverse. Went for a quick run and everything was back to normal.
2008 330EC
Sounds like you need to pull the drive and replace your shift cable this winter.