@Michael T say it isn't so !
I know you still like us 😘
Americans, Go Home: Canadians Track U.S. Boaters Sneaking Across The Border : NPR
I know you still like us 😘
Americans, Go Home: Canadians Track U.S. Boaters Sneaking Across The Border : NPR
Our numbers haven't been too bad the whole time, but get this, now that it's the "off season" we finally had a weekend with NO new cases. Hmmm so all the idiot vacationers leave and stay home and suddenly no one tests positive in the keys. Wish they would have just stayed home to begin with!!
The border is being watched quite heavily.
While headed home there was Canadian law running on their side of the line; us on our side all the while being less than 150' apart.
The river gets narrow in some areas making this a common occurrence.
I have heard quite a few stories of people being boarded and having to pay on the spot or lose their boats to being impounded.
Seems to be getting worse instead of better!
Busy season will be over in couple of weeks.
Just hope this gets straightened out before 2021 season! We would love to get back to the Canadian islands and other favorite ports like Brockville!
They have to be feeling the pinch without the US $ this year!
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Go Steelers!!!
Take away tourism dollars and how many people in the keys can't afford the mortgage on their home?(many vacation homes are duplexes with owners living in half) how many boat slips will people not be able to afford without tourists to go diving or fishing on those boats? How much of the keys is dependent on those tourists? How many locals are going to go to theater of the sea or eat at sunset grill where they only play Buffett? If everything shut down, the people who are barely scraping by since Irma hit, where would they be?
An efficiency apartment down there is what...1900 a month now?
I used to be a commission paid technician. I got married, bought my first home and had a kid all in the span of 2 years. We then hit the worst drought in my memory. If grass doesn't grow machines that cut it dont get used. When they dont get used they don't break and I made no money. The stress, the pressue, the uncertainty, the fear of when I would get enough work to pay my bills was oevrwheming.
I couldn't imagine that kind of stress being put on an entire community, an entire city, an entire economy because of something that most have little to no symptoms when you catch it.
A customer of mine just lost her husband. He had been battling cancer the past year. He finally lost his fight due to complications hes been dealing with for the past year. Because he tested positive for covid 19 that is listed as cause of death. He had no symptoms or issues related to covid, his body had slowly been shutting down for many months now. They were prepared for the inevitable. This is our medical system at work.