340 FV Galley Fridge Removal

rmrstlmormrstlmo Member Posts: 232 ✭✭✭
My galley fridge quit working.  There aren't any exposed screws in the trim to remove it.  Does anyone know how this can be removed?  Thanks!


2006 390

Previous 2000 340


  • rmrstlmormrstlmo Member Posts: 232 ✭✭✭
    Just bumping this up to the top in hopes some fresh eyes might see it and have an idea.


    2006 390

    Previous 2000 340

  • LaReaLaRea Member, Moderator Posts: 7,800 mod
    On most fridges, that frame around the outside is a metal flange that is screwed to the cabinet.  Yours doesn't seem to have any fasteners at all.  What's that little metal piece below the frame in the second photo?

    Have you tried just pulling out on the top of the fridge to see if it moves?  Maybe it's only secured at the bottom.  
  • Pat310Pat310 Member Posts: 574 ✭✭✭
    Any draws or cabinets to either side of the fridge that you remove out easier to get a peek at the sides? Looks like a cushion above it. Did you look under it to see if there is an opening to access the top of it?
  • rmrstlmormrstlmo Member Posts: 232 ✭✭✭
    The fridge is located under the v-birth.  There is a small drawer on the starboard side.  I removed it easily to take a peak inside and sure enough there are couple of bolts.  That is a far as I got.  The strange thing is after sitting for a few days the Admiral turned the fridge on and it worked!  I'm posting some pics in case someone in the future has these questions.  Thanks everyone!


    2006 390

    Previous 2000 340

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