Am I done with alignment?

J3ffJ3ff Member Posts: 4,126 ✭✭✭✭✭
Figured the other topic got buried.. 

New bar showed up that didn't need to be drilled, 5 wacks with the hammer, pulled up down left and right on the bar and here we are: -- Good? 

I moved the motor mounts down 3 full rotations on either side... splines show on all sides.. kind of hard to tell if they are perfect because I can't seem to get the bar out with knocking it on something inside there.

The odd thing is that with this SAME bar and the old bearing, even with the 4 rotations down it still didn't go in and out this easy... wondering if the old bearing wasn't put it right? or the other possibility that it just wasn't the correct one! (as many others have said here)..

Either way, feels like a small victory was had.. now to go find someone to help lift the drive back in! 


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