Fiberglass Patch with Color Match for a 2000 Captiva?

I have a couple places that Id like to fill where my Captiva kissed the dock, they are really just little gouges, is there any places online that make the filler with the correct gel coat color mixed in? Pretty close color match is ok
The boat is a 2000 Capitva 272 Millenium Edition
Its kind of an off white like the boats below
The boat is a 2000 Capitva 272 Millenium Edition
Its kind of an off white like the boats below
I am a new boater with my first boat, thats why some of my questions seem dumb
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
When I used it I masked very closely to the scratch during the application process. This saves work in sanding patch paste from the gel coat that is not damaged. Just buy really fine sand paper 1000 and 3000 grit to finish the application. Don't remove the masking tape until the job is finished.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)