Anyone have an oven on their 270?

Looking for options as far as a small oven that could be used to warm things up or cook a couple pieces of chicken or anything of that matter. Just wondering what kind of neat things you guys may have come up with to solve that problem? First thought was to try to find a microwave that fits in the hole that is also an oven... Not sure if that would overload the power plugs or not. Also thinking about some kind of air fryer microwave if they have them.
Going to have to go measure the opening, but something like this seems like it might be neat to try out.
I will say that I'm also kicking around the idea of seeing if "living aboard" this boat might work for short amounts of time. One thing to consider is that I'm in property management - it's been weird with this corona virus stuff, but I haven't lived in my own condo for 3 months (instead a big house on the water)...and the business is just getting busier. Seems to be a waste of $ to rent a 1500 sqft condo for just me and then not even need it. Going to try out the boat for the weekends and think about renting a room as a backup location to just save the $. The other thought is to just jump in feet first, sell the 270, buy a 45 ft liveaboard and commit to living on a boat. The place I'm at allows you to side tie a smaller boat to your big boat at no extra cost, so a liveaboard + 19 to 22 ft outboard boat might also be the way to go! Tough choices to make!
Ran fine off of a 2200 watt inverter generator.
Will be putting one in the bayliner before spring but it will be counter top. The 235 had zero counter space.