Ski tower light removal/mods 26QX

New to this forum and Rinker Boats. We purchased a 2019 26QX new from a dealer at Lake of the Ozarks last week. Getting it in the slip and on the lift, my tower (more specifically the light assembly) hits the Dock roof by about 3 inches when the boat is fully up on the lift. Obviously we can fold it down, but I would like to figure something out. Has anyone removed the light assembly at the top of this tower? I think if I can do that we will not have to lower the ski tower when the boat is on the lift. Obviously I would have to put it back on for boating at night/or figure out a way to install a transom mounted light. Looking for ideas or experience. Thanks.
I’d be more inclined to try & limit the lift mechanicals some how? Unless you need the boat all the way to the roof to clear the water.
I’m sure you could remove the anchor light on the arch & add a stern light. But.....