410 generator

I was winterizing my 2005 410 generator on the weekend and was wondering how you would replace it or do major repairs in the future. It is buried in the starboard rear corner of the boat and I do not see any easy access. I m sure the factory placed it in there before they put the top half of the boat on. Anybody else with a similar boat had to do major repairs to their generator ?
What are they coating the new pans with?
If you can get your hands on them and apply por15 before installing they will never rust again.
I love that stuff. Once cured hit the pan with a hammer and she'll bend before the paint cracks.
Speaking of Jersey i hear a new sopranos prequal is on the way. One of my all time favorite shows.
Motor is back in . Took advantage of the good weather. Tried to replace everything on the outer side of the port motor as when it is back in the boat there is no room re fuel tank. Replaced starter motor and solenoid, all wiring/grounds, alternator ,hoses and high pressure/ return oil lines. I hope I haven't missed anything. Now for the floor and then shrink wrap. It took a long time I was surprised at how hard it was to find Cummins parts, had to have many of them made up and Macgivered a few things. It has been an interesting project.
Oh and while it was out found an oil leak at the transmission out put seal, ended up being a complete trans overhaul