Winterize with air compressor

The previous owner of my boat used air to winterize the freshwater system with air. I just hate running the pink out of the freshwater tank and lines in the spring and since I have a compressor I decided to do it. Worked pretty well, connected line to the city water inlet and kept the regulator lower, 25-40 psi. Did each shower and faucet a few times starting in the bow until it was nothing but air. Then blew a little air through the fw pump to be sure it was empty too. I made up this rig years ago to connect my compressor to my home sprinkler system and just had to add one more piece to connect it to the boat. All little pieces from Lowe’s sprinkler system section except the brass nipple for the compressor which came from harbor freight, it is not 100% air tight, probably 95, but for my uses that is just fine....

Of course still used pink in ac units, drains and sump tanks, down the toilet to holding tank, and raw wash down.
07' Cruisers 390 (Previous Rinker's: 06' 342EC & 01' 310FV)
similar for the fresh water pump I pulled both lines in and out and with my mouth blew air from pump to tank and then line out to galley faucet that was open and with pump on I blew air through it left to right.
Go Steelers!!!
I use it to blow all the air out of my fresh lines as well, but then I take the hose off my fresh water tank and run some pink in just the lines (not the tank). I have no problem in the spring getting the pink out. The key is to continuosly put just a little water in the tank, then flush, then again a little in tank, flush. This allows the concentration to be less. Takes me maybe an hour in the spring. I usually wait a weekend or so before I use the ice out of the ice maker. (I let it fill up the maker at least twice full)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
For those concerned with some water behind.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Even if the bilge heater quit we would need some really low temps to freeze the pump in which case I would go check it better if I see a bad forecast. I also have a cabin heater which helps.