Rinker Captiva Windshield

Hi i am looking for a replacement complete front windshield for my 2008 / 9 Rinker 246 Captiva Cuddy.
Can anyone help me with this as i live in Ireland and it is proving very difficult to source one.

Any help would be much appreciated 


  • LaReaLaRea Member, Moderator Posts: 7,800 mod
    Welcome to the forum.  Last year when I replaced the windshield on my 2007 370, it was built to order by Taylor Made because they do not stock parts for older boats.  Great Lakes Skipper (www.greatlakesskipper.com) carries a lot of "new old stock" parts for Rinkers, so you might get lucky there.  If they don't have it, you will have to contact Taylor Made.  
  • MotorheadV8MotorheadV8 Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for your help I will try them 
  • rgarvey1rgarvey1 Member Posts: 7
    I'm in the same boat! Great lakes skipper unfortunately does not have any windshields for a 246 and I have been looking since August. I need port side and center window for my 07' Cuddy. I shipped the windshield frames to Miami Florida to have new glass made and the freight company lost my crate! Taylor made says they can make the new frames ($2500 USD) and then will have to have the glass made (another estimated 2500-3500). I would love to find a salvaged boat to buy them off of but haven't found anything yet.
  • LaReaLaRea Member, Moderator Posts: 7,800 mod
    @rgarvey1 that's awful.  Sorry to hear it.  

    My cost for the large curved section was $2855 for the glass in a new frame with gasket.  (Curved glass can't be shipped unless it's protected by a frame.)  
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2020
    Not sure if this helps? It says ‘07 220 but possible it’s the same as a ‘08/‘’09 246...
    2008 330EC
  • rgarvey1rgarvey1 Member Posts: 7
    @shawnmjr I wish that were the case. It was UPS Freight. They asked me the value when they did my quote but never put it on so they said I'm not covered and will only be paid $1/pound ($160) for basic liability.
    @aero3113 unfortunately the measurements are wrong and wont fit, I already measyred all of great lakes skippers available windshields but thanks!

  • rgarvey1rgarvey1 Member Posts: 7
    @LaRea Unfortunately, The only one I can find to make the frame besides taylormade is ocean dynamics in Miami Florida and they quoted $5281 with new glass and frames or $3653 for polycast. Where did you have yours made?

  • LaReaLaRea Member, Moderator Posts: 7,800 mod
    Taylor Made is the OEM for most Rinker windshields.  They built it from the original pattern.  You'd have to contact them directly to see if they have the pattern for your boat.  
  • rgarvey1rgarvey1 Member Posts: 7
    @LaRea Taylor mades email “Good morning, we can make the frames but with someone else making the glass I’m not sure about the fit, here are the prices for the frame top header $425.00 x’s 2, bottom $425.00 x’s 2, vertical $105.00 x’s 5, door top $135.00, door btm $135.00. total #2495.00.”
  • TonyG13TonyG13 Member Posts: 1,337 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2020
    I guess you could read that two ways.

    First is they are making the frame only and someone else needs to make and supply the glass for you to fit the frame.

    Second is they make the frame, they have someone else make the glass for them and they send it to you complete.

    Maybe ask them to clarify?
  • MotorheadV8MotorheadV8 Member Posts: 4
    I'm 90% sure that a 2016 Rinker 246 complete windshield is the same dimensions as a 2008.
    I can't get a price because I need a hull I'd number.
    Surely Taylor made have 2015 windshields for a 246 Cuddy.
    If they do send on the dimensions and I can check against my 08..

    Difficult to say the least.
  • rgarvey1rgarvey1 Member Posts: 7
    They are the same on all the 246 Cuddys as well as the QX26 which replaced the 246. According to Rinker, the current part number for the windshield that fits the QX26 is 693-1040057. Taylor made said they are not able to make the glass but can make the frames. The old part number which is found under the port side lower frame rail (under seal) is 693-1040016.
  • MotorheadV8MotorheadV8 Member Posts: 4
    Does this mean i could find a new Taylor made windshield on there site using this part number.
    i live in Ireland so it has to be right once i pay and ship it over.
    im sure they would have dimensions of this part i could check against my boat.

  • rgarvey1rgarvey1 Member Posts: 7
    Pictures above are the only thing Taylor made said they were able to provide
  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    There has to be a company that makes boats or boat parts in the EU somewhere
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