Hydrofoil Stabilizer

How and will a hydrofoil stabilizer improve the performance of my 1997 Festive 212?  


  • Pat310Pat310 Member Posts: 574 ✭✭✭
    Had one on my 19’ Mariah bow rider when I bought it.  Heard all kinds of bad reviews for them so I removed it.  Boat was un-drivable at slow speed. Couldn’t see a thing ahead of me until on plane. I opted for smart tabs which made it much better though not much better then the hydrofoil. If I was to do it and didn’t have either on the boat I would choose the smart tabs. Just my 2 cents.
  • SpyderwebSpyderweb Member Posts: 915 ✭✭✭
    Years ago I put a hydrofoil on my dad’s 20’ Caravelle cuddy (4cyl) and it definitely helped it get on plane better.
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