Checking in from the keys...

Loving the boat these days... has been rock solid (knocking on wood)... still looking to transition to a liveaboard next summer. Have been crashing on the 270 on the weekends (as I am tonight)... doesn't get much better it seems!! Pictures from today!

Just kidding buddy. You made a lifestyle choice that many of us wish we could or would have made in our younger days. Congrats!
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
That part about hurry-up-and-shovel is real. I've no clue why Virginians do it.
Weather Underground was predicting 11.5 inches at one point, but even they have walked it back. Now the under-over is 1.5 inches, meaning we'll get nothing.
I'm jealous Jeff! Looks amazing dude
Go Steelers!!!