Starting engine out of water

Are we able to start the engine out of water on a bravo 3 350 motor? I tried my normal muffs but they didn't work.I hear I might need an extra part for another intake?
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
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Turn off engine when jug is empty, and all pink come through.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
There's a fitting in the transom assembly that can get blocked by corrosion or marine fouling. In normal operation, you'd never know because you'd be pulling water from the thru-hull.
With the boat out of the water, you could test it without too much work. On the raw water pump, disconnect the intake hose. Hook up the muffs and crank the water. If you don't get a solid stream coming into the bilge, there's your sign.