Mercruiser "OM" number

seahawkseahawk Member Posts: 62
Does anyone know what the OM number is on a Merc engine or where to find it. I'm considering installing a 'vessel view ' on the boat.  my engine is the 320HP, 6.2L 377 MAG, and apparently the VV is compatible with this engine if the OM number is 300000 or higher. Can anyone shed any light on this..??   Thanx .....much appreciated 

Best Answers


  • seahawkseahawk Member Posts: 62
    This is such a great site. It’ll be nice when I can learn enough about this boat to be able to contribute something useful and answer some questions instead of just “asking” things ...🤓
  • seahawkseahawk Member Posts: 62
    Seems like something that would be great to have onboard for the price, I've got the App downloaded and it looks "friendly". Now I'll just keep the 'hardware" bookmarked until I get to the boat in a few weeks in the event it might go on sale. Apparently Its been known to do that now and then.....

  • SpyderwebSpyderweb Member Posts: 915 ✭✭✭
    While definitely compatible, you still may want to get the serial numbers.  Seems like there were different wiring setups as the engines evolved, particularly with twins, and when seeking help from merc (very helpful) they’ll want the numbers.
  • seahawkseahawk Member Posts: 62
    That sounds like good idea to talk to Merc about it. I've seen the VV's for sale on the Merc site and on Amazon....'bout the same price. I'd be more comfortable buying from the dealer. The vendor on Amazon didnt want any specific information about the engine.....just wanted my money......:-)

  • IanIan Member Posts: 2,887 ✭✭✭✭
    I believe later SC (than my 2003) provided the SN through to the diag tools like the PC the Merc guys have so. Y mechanic told me. So if you can plug in with the tools - and you will need to to change the port engine ID if you have twins - you should be able to get the SN from there.



    The Third “B”

    Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club

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