Member Posts: 8,450 ✭✭✭✭✭
I recall seeing someone mention...you peel off your old stuff and send it to this guy...he sends you back new stuff and you put it back on the bases...ringing any bells?
Same 9.5 ft wide hull as mine.
Im probably going to have mine redone....again...by pro's next spring.
PS... I consider myself an ultra DIYer.. I have never had my boat to a mechanic no matter the size of the project/repair/upgrades... HOWEVER, putting on those upholstery covers, I met my match...
The backrests on the bow were impossible to get off, not sure why rinker has nuts and bolts top and bottom and not hooks and snaps so will redo that so I can take off for cleaning.
I'm excited for how I know it will look plus the new carpet. I thought about doing seadeck but with no carpet and the camper pck up it was real noisy...the carpet absorbs a lot of sound...plus boating in the winter...
I'm going to do something different on the back no matter- I want to be able to take them off and clean them a little better than you can installed plus the fiber glass under the hand rail....
The seating back at the bow seems fine. I did make a little change as that crap was bolted in and the seat backs not removable- which would be great to clean so I will add the "hooks" like on the curved section with snaps on the bottom so I can take them out. As far as the wood in the seat backs, the bow seating were the only ones that seem to have started to rot and those were replaced. I do want to try and seal all this wood a little better also....
The seats I'm really having the issue with are on the port side. It's almost like "they" disregarded the seat material and just built the new off the wood that was there which should not have been a problem:: so here is the question and I am not knowledgeable on this stuff at all and have never done it- so if you look at the actual seat/butt part of the portside front seating ( a head of the cured part) I now have a big gap on either end- like maybe the way the vinyl was made, the foam actually extended farther than the wood base, does that make sense? I know that wood was not replaced. The other issue is on the seat back curved part which is a plastic material...and they tole me that by the time they pull the staples out that would have to be replaced which was no problem but instead of being say 2" thick, its about half that....as well as the seat back of the next part moving forward which is ok and I can live with it, but again, the forward leading edge of it does not match up with the forward leading edge of the seat base- and that seat base look like it should go under the curved part but because it is now thinner, big gap there.
I'm going to take pictures of it when I have the helm seat put back together and get with him....really disappointed. My seating was not really in bad shape- the seat base next to the helm had a seam that was splitting because I kept standing on it to get my mooring cover off and on. The rear seating had some side splitting but was not visible. From cleaning, some of the "color" was coming off some of the edges and really thought about have it repaired and not replaced. I'm thinking also if I had just sent him the skins to be copied, I would not be having this problem. I bit the bullet to do something for myself for a change so really disappointed in the results- and then there is the carpet....again, mine was intact but worn and the backing was coming off making a mess etc....and I can see this being very hard to :"copy" but the edge that buts up to where the hatch is on the main piece of carpet got off track at an angle so there is about 1" where you see the floor- don't see anyway to fix that other than replace it. The old carpet was intact so really seems like a half **** effort to trace it properly.
But, the true answer to this is what he does to fix it. I will post some pictures when I get all this put together for him to look at. I did not expect the re do to be better than factory but I did expect it to be close- but understand they do not have templates to work with.
I always thought the seat was low but guess I got used to it!
Upholstery is in my future for the engine cover.