Upgraded to a 383 stroker on my fiesta vee 250. What about the prop?

Hi all, I am new in the forum. I own a fiesta vee 250 2003. I decided to replace my engine to a reman 383 mercruiser , from a 350 mpi . I have a bravo 3 sterndrive with duoprop 20 inch.
I used to run at 3500 rpm/m at around 19-20 knots (tabs up), which I think is too slow. Should I go for 22" pitch props?
I also have a outdrive engine (15 ps) on my platform due to the fact it's an obligation in Greece to boat with 2 engines at least, Mediterranean sea ain't a lake.
Would you increase the pitch of your prop if you were me?
I used to run at 3500 rpm/m at around 19-20 knots (tabs up), which I think is too slow. Should I go for 22" pitch props?
I also have a outdrive engine (15 ps) on my platform due to the fact it's an obligation in Greece to boat with 2 engines at least, Mediterranean sea ain't a lake.
Would you increase the pitch of your prop if you were me?
For your new engine, what is the recommended max RPM (red-line RPM)? I'd guess probably around 5000 RPM.
Most people size the props so that the engine hits red-line at wide-open throttle (WOT). If your new engine gets to 5000 RPM before WOT, your props need more pitch. Typically you would get around 200 RPM for each inch of pitch.
However does the "ratio" of my sterndrive Bravo3 has any role? has this anything to do with choosing the proper prop pitch?
ps: I am really happy that I discovered this forum, seems I can find everything I look for in here
We all would love to see some pictures of your boating area. I'm sure it's beautiful!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
really helpful the propellers alignment graph, I will check if mine are set up as they should be
The rpm smartcraft gauge doesn't seem to work properly, dont know if its a permanent problem or it's something I can fix (a friend told me there is a small switch behind the gauge to select the engine).
I will post many videos from different places in Greece this summer, so stay tuned.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express