The 270 has a beam of 9'1". In Ontario, in fact all Canadian provinces and most U.S. States, a permit is required for loads over 8'6" wide. Frankly, between you and me, unless you encounter a cop with a tape measure and an attitude, you could probably get away with towing without a permit. Andy
I think a chase vehicle is over 12' and yes you probably won't get stopped or hassled at 9'1" however you are gonna have all sorts of issues in an accident even if it's not your fault. The $20 for the 30 day permit in my state is worth every penny.
They would never notice it being only a few inches. I can just see someone clipping the boat and then they realize.....oh look it's oversized and they didn't have permits or signage.
As with a lot of things, it's never a problem until it's a problem. Like when somebody side swipes you and you have to explain to your insurance company what you were up to. As a one off, or very occasional thing I'd probably chance it. If I was to trailer constantly I'd get the permit just for lack of worry.
I'm surprised that truck moved it jeff, was that not a v6?
Funny thing was the truck didn't really have a problem moving was stopping it that was the issue. It was less than a mile tow, but the brakes def. had to be pushed harder than what a comfortable pressure is.
I towed my 280EC with my F150 v6 EcoBoost. It pulled well, but I do agree that stopping was an issue. I upgraded to an F250 last summer. The boat feels better behind that truck even though it is a gasser.
2008 280 Express Cruiser, 6.2MPI, B3, Pittsburgh, PA "Blue Ayes" Go Steelers!!!
I have the old 5.4 and I know weighs over 5000#....yours 800# lighter....10000#truck vs 5000# truck, truck will never "win". Kind of like a train...they take a mile to stop, cant argue with physics! 250 has bigger rosters for sure and that is a great truck.
Electric over Hydraulic brakes are the answer. 2010 Ford E350 SuperDuty with the 6.8L V10, brake controller, EoH trailer brakes, and a 5Star Tune. Five years towing this around the east coast - never had a challenge getting up a ramp or grade safely.
BTW: your 280 has likely chubbed up a bit since new. Doing the math: boat is now around 9200# (minimal fuel, minimal water, minimal holding, batteries installed).
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Go Steelers!!!
BTW: your 280 has likely chubbed up a bit since new. Doing the math: boat is now around 9200# (minimal fuel, minimal water, minimal holding, batteries installed).