Reinstalling bravo 2 outdrive questions

So im at the fun part. The brilliant engineers at mercrusier used the same rear mounts on my 1000+ lbs diesel as they do a 3.0 4 cylinder. So along with new bellows and gimball im addressing rear mounts.
Anyway, on an alpha you have a mounting gasket and the rubber ring around the input shaft bearing housing of the outdrive to seal the housing where the u joint bellow is.
On the bravo you have O rings but they are not around the u joint input housing, they are around the exhaust port, oil feed and shift cable. What keeps the water intrusion out from where the drive meets the shield?
Anyway, on an alpha you have a mounting gasket and the rubber ring around the input shaft bearing housing of the outdrive to seal the housing where the u joint bellow is.
On the bravo you have O rings but they are not around the u joint input housing, they are around the exhaust port, oil feed and shift cable. What keeps the water intrusion out from where the drive meets the shield?
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
I don't have an outdrive water pickup so that o ring is a waste, where your water pick up hose goes I have an open water port to the shield away.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
My reading leads me to believe the aluminum ring seals the two mating surfaces at the bellow. I personally don't trust that aluminum ring.
I think I'll but a bead of bellow glue around both the base of the mounting surface of the housing as all as the lip that mates to the bellow.
Does anyone else feel that bellow glue is expensive weather stip adhesive or rubber contact cement?
I installed a new Sierra bellow. I put a bead of bellow glue around the surface area where the input shaft housing lip meets the bellow ring.
Luckily mercrusier designed the bravo where a 2x4 fits perfectly between the drive upper housing and the transom shield, a swift pull up with nuts out and trim cylinders removed will break the seal. This is if you have the ability to firmly swing a 175 lbs outdrive back towards you. Im sure you know this trick but maybe this will help a few first time DIY guys.
On much of the new equipment we service both crank case sumps aka oil pans and valve covers use rtv rather than gaskets. The better dead blow you can get the easier it is to remove.
I found people recommending both ways so I didn't know which was right.
GE usually got the good crap. I'm pretty sure their duct tape could hold the wings on a space shuttle coming back into orbit. The hand soap I got from there can both remove diesel oil stains from your hands and clog a sink instantly.