2002 Rinker 310 Generator

Myself and my neighbor are going to look at a 2002 310 this afternoon. The seller is having an issue with the generator. It’s the “will only run with the start switch held on”. I know I’ve read about this issue on the forum multiple times. What’s the cause and fix? The seller is saying it’s not sensing water pressure.
2008 330EC
We started simple and affordable. Brushes, then voltage regulator, then control panel. No dice. That generator had no sound shield so water had got in to the stator which blew the rotor and stator. This translated in to a rebuild of the electrical side and $5k. this was in 2012.
That could be a sensor or something simple, but it could be major.... so I would find out exactly what it is before buying.
PC BYC, Holland, MI