Hauler needed

Looks like my neighbor will be buying the 2006 SR 290. We’re trying to get a hauler to pick up the boat in Belmar NJ and drop off in Patchogue Long Island. He’s called some numbers and is waiting on call backs. Was hoping possibly you guys might have some contacts also he can call. If he can’t get a hauler, we’ll probably end up making the run to Patchogue, it should be about a 3 hour cruise.
2008 330EC
PC BYC, Holland, MI
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
How long into the trip were you before you had a cleaning/detail list made up in your head that he needs to address??? 😂
That's a huge boat with a lot of systems for a first boat, did you let him know what kind of costly and time consuming addiction he was entering?
How were the air temps for the trip? Looks chilly! We already have leaves on the trees down here, looks bare up there. This time last year many of us were wondering if and when we could launch or what would be open. He picked a good time to start. Spring is early for many of us so hopefully he'll get plenty of experience this summer.
I still don't know how to read my radar. Would come in handy for the idiots in canoes and jon boats with no lights at night.