Hauler needed

aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
Looks like my neighbor will be buying the 2006 SR 290. We’re trying to get a hauler to pick up the boat in Belmar NJ and drop off in Patchogue Long Island. He’s called some numbers and is waiting on call backs. Was hoping possibly you guys might have some contacts also he can call. If he can’t get a hauler, we’ll probably end up making the run to Patchogue, it should be about a 3 hour cruise.
2008 330EC


  • Black_DiamondBlack_Diamond Member Posts: 5,439 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Beware those 3 hour cruises. 😆  

    Past owner of a 2003 342FV
    PC BYC, Holland, MI
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Beware those 3 hour cruises. 😆  
    LoL, true!!
    2008 330EC
  • IanIan Member Posts: 2,884 ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2021
    I know a guy up in Albany @aero3113, have used myself and he hauls and launches the boats at the club. Can ask if he is headed that way to LI and needs a dead head filler on the way back.



    The Third “B”

    Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club


  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks @icoultha , looks like I found a hauler out of Belmar NJ that might work. He’s not available till Sunday, we’re looking at the boat on Thursday. If we use him, he said he has a slip we can can move the boat to and he’ll load and haul it on Sunday. But if the weather cooperates we might cruise back.
    2008 330EC
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Weather isn’t looking good on Thursday. We’re going NJ tomorrow with hopes we’re cruising it home! 
    2008 330EC
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,069 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That trip looks like it was a good time.   Did your neighbour have you captain the boat for him on the trip or is a pretty seasoned behind the helm?
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @PickleRick it’s his first boat. Yes, he had me captain the boat. I could tell he was nervous crossing the ocean, once we got into the bay he loosened up an took the wheel. I met him at his dock today and he told me his heart was finally slowing down 😂.
    2008 330EC
  • LaReaLaRea Member, Moderator Posts: 7,800 mod
    You guys were beyond sight of land for a while, right?  Gotta be a thrill for him.  It's always good for a new owner to get some hand-holding and eye-gazing from an experienced skipper.
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @LaRea , yes. No land and no cell service. LoL. I was loving it. When we first started, I asked him if he wanted to be behind the wheel, he said “ I’m going to sit back and watch for now”. I told him he will be much more confident after this trip with himself and the boat.
    2008 330EC
  • LaReaLaRea Member, Moderator Posts: 7,800 mod
    Thought so!  Sure, you could have stayed close to shore, but that would have been a missed opportunity.  He'll never forget it.
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Here’s a quick video. Of course the bimini zipper broke, LoL. He’s going to have new canvas made.

    2008 330EC
  • YYZRCYYZRC Member Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Cool! I remember my first trip where no land in sight (40 mins or so), it’s an interesting feeling. Always glad to have a dinghy in those moments. 
    2008 350 EC on Georgian Bay
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,069 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2021
    That had to be fun.  Its good your schedules worked out so you could do the transport with him.  Always good to know a more experienced boater, I bet it's fun just to burn someone else's fuel!   

    How long into the trip were you before you had a cleaning/detail list made up in your head that he needs to address??? 😂
    That's a huge boat with a lot of systems for a first boat, did you let him know what kind of costly and time consuming addiction he was entering?   

    How were the air temps for the trip?   Looks chilly!  We already have leaves on the trees down here, looks bare up there.   This time last year many of us were wondering if and when we could launch or what would be open. He picked a good time to start.  Spring is early for many of us so hopefully he'll get plenty of experience this summer.  
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes, @PickleRick scheduling was easy for the both of us luckily. He’s a business owner and with my new job I’m pretty flexible when there’s nothing wrong with my aircraft. When he was finally able to set a date with the broker and seller, the night before I told him I had to be in at work, it was dead silent on the other end 😂. When I told him I was kidding, he was laughing but said he thought he was f@$&3d! Luckily temps were on the warmer side, low 50’s but with the breeze and spray at times it felt much colder.
    2008 330EC
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @PickleRick , the whole trip I was making a list up in my head for him. He told me I might be worse than his wife (telling him things to buy). I know he’s overwhelmed right now but I told him it will all settle down and he will have fun. I’m trying to help him out with whatever I can. I even cleaned out both his bilges for him. I forgot to take a pic of the engine room. I wish I had a before pic of the mid bilge, it was nasty!

    2008 330EC
  • TonyG13TonyG13 Member Posts: 1,337 ✭✭✭✭
    aero3113 said:
    @PickleRick it’s his first boat. Yes, he had me captain the boat. I could tell he was nervous crossing the ocean, once we got into the bay he loosened up an took the wheel. I met him at his dock today and he told me his heart was finally slowing down 😂.
    Heck, he should have taken the helm on the ocean when there was nothing around to hit.  :D
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Funny you say that @TonyG13  .... I look over to the port side and there was a giant yellow buoy about 50 yards away out in the middle of nowhere! I had the GPS zoomed out and the arrow was covering it on the screen. I couldn’t believe it, both of us were sitting down at the time and the wet windshield, I didn’t even see it. Made my heart drop, good learning experience for both of us.
    2008 330EC
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2021
    Definitely a flaw in the Navionics app. It was actually probably closer to 30 yards.
    2008 330EC
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,069 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That's handy for him. When I first launched my boat it took a while to figure out how to use simple items like the bow thruster, winlass and even how to properly flush the head.  The more relaxed he is the better his family will enjoy their time aboard.  Have you set a date for docking 101?  By far the most useful skill to learn when you're new to boating.  Does he have twin bravo 3s?  

    I still don't know how to read my radar. Would come in handy for the idiots in canoes and jon boats with no lights at night.  
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes, @PickleRick twin Bravo 3’s . I actually made him dock the boat when we came in, pretty much an empty marina and his dock neighbor is set back far enough not to be an issue. He actually did really well, I was giving him call outs  during. When we were in the slip I said now imagine doing that with 2 yapping kids and a wife 😂.
    2008 330EC
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,069 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The b3's are kinda cheating!  
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So is a thruster!! 😝
    2008 330EC
  • Liberty44140Liberty44140 Member Posts: 4,396 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Looks like an awesome trip. Your friend is lucky to have you!
    07' Cruisers 390 (Previous Rinker's: 06' 342EC & 01' 310FV)

  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,069 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2021

    True.  It's easier to load a 28ft hard top on the trailer using a bow thruster than it was to load a 17 ft bass boat, including in cross winds.

  • LaReaLaRea Member, Moderator Posts: 7,800 mod
    I need to post a video explaining what marine radar does and how to use it.  
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