Just had the hull and outdrives cleaned and barnacles removed. Is it okay to run the mercruiser 350 engines while out of the water to inspect the propellers?
You can run it as long as you hook up a water hose to cool the engine. It is not ok to run them dry as this will ruin the rubber impeller pretty quickly or atleast shorten it's life.
You can turn the props by hand if you like. To truly inspect them and balance them that needs to be done off of the outdrive anyway. I would say you could bump the starter out of water but i wouldn't let the engine run 20 seconds without a hose and muffs attached.
Pull the props off and inspect and clean them. You can not only check the props but also grease the shafts and check for any fishing line or weeds caught between the props and the seals that can eat the outer gear case seal and cause a leak. No need to run the engines.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)