High RPM Overheat

Coming back to the dock on Saturday with my daughter my port engine started to overheat half way across the bay. I shut it down and let it cool. Started back up and the temperature was steady. I put the drive into reverse thinking maybe there was some seaweed or a bag on the intake. Powered back up, cruised around for a little bit and the temp started to rise again. Powered down to idle and the temperature went down and stayed steady. Manifolds and risers were replaced last season. I’m going to trouble shoot some more tomorrow before I pull the water pump and check the impeller. New Hardin pump was installed beginning of last season. What are you thoughts?
2008 330EC
PC BYC, Holland, MI
PC BYC, Holland, MI
The coolant in the engine needs to stop long enough in the radiator (heat exchanger in boat application) in order to cool. If the thermostat is not stopping or slowing the coolant enough eventually all of the coolant will be over heated. The more load/rpm the quicker this will happen
A thermostat is at least cheap and easy to replace.
When I first got my boat the first thing I did was pull the caps on the heat exchanger to check for corrosion as it was used in salt water. Im sure you already checked this.
I still can't believe that big boat is raw water cooled!