Strange electrical problem

I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this weird electrical issue . 2005 410. As long as shore power (battery charger) are hooked to the boat the port engine starts ok but notice that the alternator out put is only 10.5 volts. When you turn off the battery charger or remove shore power the port engine will not start. You can get it started by pressing the emergency start switch on the helm but as soon as you release it the engine stalls. Hook shore power back up and everything is ok with the exception of the 10.5 volt alternator output
Input to ground: around 13.5 volts
Output to ground: around 12.9 volts
Input to output: around 0.5 to 0.7 volts
If that's not what you see, maybe the isolator is bad. We've been seeing a lot of those over the past couple years.
You said:
* The voltage is 12.6, then drops to 10.5 when the engine is running.
* Turning on the charger doesn't change anything.
* The batteries are new and the alternator was serviced.
Whenever the engine is running, it draws something like 50 amps of current from its starter battery. Normally, the battery is also receiving 50 amps from the isolator, which gets it from the alternator. In that case, the voltage stays around 12.6 volts.
With a faulty isolator, no current is reaching the battery. The engine is drawing 50 amps from the battery, which temporarily pulls the voltage down to 10.6 volts. If you continue running the engine, it discharges the battery and you can't start the engine.
I don't think swapping alternators will help. If the alternator was the problem, you'd still be able to run using current from the battery charger. But you said the charger doesn't change anything.
Everything you've said is consistent with a failed isolator.