Just curious of everyone’s opinion on this topic especially after the bombshell navy videos of late. Next to appear is the report to Congress from the pentagon. Do you believe they exist? Do you think they are ours or another country? Have you ever seen anything at night out on your boats that was not caused by alcohol? Keep it real guys.
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Back in high school we used to drag race around some of the back roads near that air port. My close friends dad would warn us when security would be on high alert around the area and we should avoid the area. There would be aircraft coming in at night he couldnt talk about.
My uncle lives on the other side of the base, a real night owl that that lives on an old farm, perfect star gazing country setting. He talks of odd aircraft, low
flying and quiet, that he's seen at night.
There is a 100% chance of government/military aircraft that the public doesn't know about. Im intetrested in what you pilots have seen. Whether that air craft technology is derived from extraterrstials or even interdimensional travellers is an interesting concept that I think is possible but I've never seen proof.
BUT! I honestly think it's pretty selfish of us humans to think we are the only intelligent (although I question that part sometimes) beings in the universe, given the billions of starts, and probably 10's of billions hospitable planets in it ... so I would not be surprised if there are aliens ... and the government has been hiding it from us. I'd just be pi$$ed off that they were hiding it from us.
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
On the other hand, the existence of Nessie is UNDENIABLE. I notice none of you guys are even trying to deny it. Chessie ain't got nothin' on Nessie.
The media reports what they are told.
Here's another concept from Sagan's books.
In the vast timescale of the universe, life on Earth has existed for only the tiniest blink of an eye. If there is life on another planet, it probably didn't evolve at exactly the same time as humans did. It has probably existed for many millions of years, if not billions of years. This life form has had enough time to develop technology so advanced that humans can't begin to comprehend it. Therefore, Sagan argued, it seems unlikely that such an advanced life form would use a primitive little flying tin can that's sorta like the ones humans use, but slightly better.
Whether those heavens are on other plantes/solar systems or dimensions is the question.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club