Washroom use.

I am a very particular guy and I have never used the washrooms on my boats this is my 3rd boat and I have yet to lol. Could someone walk me through the process of getting your toilet ready for the season. Thanks
* Hakuna Matata * 2003 Rinker Fiesta Vee 310
Edit: I assumed 310 based on name, didn’t see the photo or discussion that it’s a later 350.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
I'm now using the same bio product that the head mistress recommends on other boards.
I'm a month since a pump out (less than 10% full) but no foul smells coming from vent outside the boat. I'm stored under a tarp so id notice foul smells. Also installed a new joker valve to start the year. I'll do so every year from now on.
The bio treatment will rid waste smell naturally where the blue chemical just masks the smell, but to me it smells like porta pottys at a concert.
Fwiw it was in the 90s for 6 days in a row, no foul smells.