Our 310 EC lists to starboard with an empty fresh water tank - and sometimes even with water. Lots of boats list a few inches on way or the other at some point. Just walk around your docks in the harbor. You'll find them. I gave up trying to shift stuff around. It's like a dog chasing its tail. You'll eventually catch it, but it'll still be there later to chase again.
With the fresh water tank full, my 280EC lists to the port side as well. I usually try to keep the tank half full and I moved my second house battery to the starboard side of the boat. That has helped a lot.
2008 280 Express Cruiser, 6.2MPI, B3, Pittsburgh, PA "Blue Ayes" Go Steelers!!!
OK I will ask....... What the heII is the big deal if your boat lists a little bit when sitting in your slip? It a 15 to 20 thousand pound vessel and it leans an inch or 2 to the side. So what!!! LOL
2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA. popyc.org raybo3@live.com
Both my 310 and 342 did this depending on how full the water and water tanks were. It is normal when you have two independent tanks so far out to each side. One thing I like about my cruisers is that both of those tanks are in the middle.
I know it’s no big deal Ray but it’s less than glorious sitting on the dock with friends enjoying a beverage and all of their boats are sitting pretty and even and yours has a very obvious list.
My bayliner had a brilliant design plan in which the holding tank and water tank are centered in the hull, one in front of the fuel tank and the other above it. Without a battery sitting on the starboard side it would sit with a port side list at anchor.
Even though my boat sits level at anchor she will list under power depending on any weight or passengers on board. Yesterday while on the way to the ramp the admiral was packing/cleaning. I didn't complain to her as she was helping but i had to work the tabs constantly to maintain a level ride where she was walking around the cabin.
I have deck chairs on my boat and set them up. Strategically based on who's on board and how full the cooler is. Sometimes a level ride requires a little game planning.
My 390 lists to the port side. It gets worse as the holding tank fills. I just started carrying extra fuel in the starboard tank and that is definitely helping.
Our 2014 EC 310 listed to starboard until I added a couple of extra series 31 AGMs to the port side. After that I made sure the water tank was 90% full. Immediately after a pump-out the boat would list a tiny bit until the head was used a few times. Agree with @TonyG13.
OK, so you didn't respond to my question so I'll just throw this out there. "IF" your boat is listing only while under way, check your trim tabs, if one tab is even slightly down, that would cause a list on that side. if it lists at rest, its a weight issue and you can try, pumping out, keeping less fresh water on board, check you fuel tank levels. Liquid is most likely the culprit unless you carry a lot of provisions and equipment.
BTW - Welcome to the forum!
Go Steelers!!!
Even though my boat sits level at anchor she will list under power depending on any weight or passengers on board. Yesterday while on the way to the ramp the admiral was packing/cleaning. I didn't complain to her as she was helping but i had to work the tabs constantly to maintain a level ride where she was walking around the cabin.
I have deck chairs on my boat and set them up. Strategically based on who's on board and how full the cooler is. Sometimes a level ride requires a little game planning.
2006 390
Previous 2000 340
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"