Captain's Chair!

Early this spring I had re-secured the Captain's chair to the floor using 2.5 inch lag bolts through the pedestal base. Seemed to be working fine (6 outings). Saturday this past weekend we were out and my wife suggested I try to raise the seat "a bit". While under way, (only about 13 knots) we hit a monster wave (Cruisers can be a pain in the rear) and next thing I knew I was in the stern, kissing the engine cover!
I don't think the floor has dry rot...but I'm no expert. So trying this temporary fix. Might get part of or whole floor replaced at end of season....depending on this groups' thoughts and/or recommendations. I've bolted three steel plates from the underside of the floor, and secured the pedestal to the bolts with lock washers, locking nuts, and then epoxied around the nuts. Also used a rubber (home made) gasket under the base, and epoxied this as well. Would appreciate feedback.
I don't think the floor has dry rot...but I'm no expert. So trying this temporary fix. Might get part of or whole floor replaced at end of season....depending on this groups' thoughts and/or recommendations. I've bolted three steel plates from the underside of the floor, and secured the pedestal to the bolts with lock washers, locking nuts, and then epoxied around the nuts. Also used a rubber (home made) gasket under the base, and epoxied this as well. Would appreciate feedback.

Id have rather used one 12x12 or so aluminum backing plate, but what you used will likely give you plenty of strength.
Any water that gets to that plywood floor will soak up store water, spreading throughout the floor
I had to use the walmart stuff in a pinch around chain plates on a sailboat.
The next weekend I had to bail 3 inches of water out of the cabin after a tropical storm passed.