Generator/Planing boards questions

Still very new to all this but slowly understanding the systems. We were out on the water on Fathers Day on anchor for a BBQ with the kids and wanted to boil some water on the range so I started the generator and slid all the mains to the right (photo #1) but none of AC power seemed to be working? Is there another switch or main someplace? All the AC current should work in this fashion shouldn't it? The generator seems to run great but am I missing something?
Secondly, the boat seems to be having a little more trouble planing out than it did last fall requiring me to increase the rpm's considerably more now and the planing boards seem to have little effect in helping with it? They were definitely a huge help last season but not so much now. Based on the picture (#2) are they are electric actuators or hydraulic? I don't see a reservoir anywhere? When sitting at the dock I can hear them working so power is making it there but that's not to say that they actually are doing their job. The water is so unclear that I can't even see if they are moving up and down. Again based on the picture are these cylinders filled with gear fluid?
Thirdly, what type of outdrives are these?
Thanks in advance!!

Secondly, the boat seems to be having a little more trouble planing out than it did last fall requiring me to increase the rpm's considerably more now and the planing boards seem to have little effect in helping with it? They were definitely a huge help last season but not so much now. Based on the picture (#2) are they are electric actuators or hydraulic? I don't see a reservoir anywhere? When sitting at the dock I can hear them working so power is making it there but that's not to say that they actually are doing their job. The water is so unclear that I can't even see if they are moving up and down. Again based on the picture are these cylinders filled with gear fluid?
Thirdly, what type of outdrives are these?
Thanks in advance!!

To verify that the trim tabs work: get on the swim platform and reach down with a boathook until you find the tab. Then have somebody move the tab up and down.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
In general, if you press the button for "port side down" it will lower the starboard tab, and vice-versa.
Before getting on plane, put the outdrives all the way down, and trim tabs all the way down. Smoothly go to full throttle. As the boat comes up on plane, reduce throttle and put the trim tabs back up. Once I'm at a decent speed, pull the outdrives up just a little bit (maybe 10%).
Once you're on plane, ideally the tabs should be used only for leveling port-to-starboard (roll angle). If you're using the tabs to bring the bow down, it probably means you need to move weight to the front of the boat. A well-balanced boat doesn't need tabs to adjust the pitch angle.
I do this a lot on the shallow Potomac River.