Happy Canada Day

To our fellow Canadians and friends all over the world, Happy Canada Day!
"Knot Quite Shore" - 2000 FV270 (Sold)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
So i don't offend anyone, hockey is my favorite sport.
When the US again started making noise about taking over territory in the west it was decided to build a railway across the country to tie it all together and the western provinces came on board to set the border at the 49th parallel in 1871. Newfoundland was the last to join in 1949. Up to then they were still a British Colony.
Finally in 1982 we "Patriated our constitution" that effectively cut ties with the British Monarchy in all but a very symbolic basis. The Queen still appears on some of our money, and is a symbolic head of state, but has no say in the running of our country although our parliament is run on the historical British layout.
So our history is typically Canadian. Try to make friends, fight when you have to, but shake hands afterwards and remain friends, and just be nice! But if someone pi$$e$ you off...burn their house down.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Finally realized if I walked into a place and just said, "Hi! We're stupid Americans!" -- they'd laugh and speak English right away.
As to the issue of Quebecer's not speaking English, usually not an issue in tourist areas, more of a problem in rural areas. And yes, there is a certain expectation that Canadians should at least try to speak French, but I can tell you from my own experience that once they hear my horrible attempt to speak French they will easily switch to English. They at least appreciate if you try a few words anyway. Much like going to any other area where English isn't the first language it's always a good idea to at least learn some simple greetings. My Spanish is worse than my French but when visiting Cuba and Mexico a few words in Spanish go a long way.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
This settlement was a bust. Im pretty sure the puritan/conservative living of the English colonists surrounding them at that time (mid/late 1600s) didn't jive with the French settlers.
They then skipped town and settled in Louisiana. So when the Saints came marching in, it took a while to find a place that felt like home.
Many of their churches and architecture that wasn't destroyed by the revolutionary or civil wars or hurricanes still stand today.
The grave yard on the lake we hang out on has war of 1812 and civil war graves as well as many unmarked graves historians have yet to identify. They are likely share cropers, children(lots of tuberculosis deaths back 100 years ago here) or possibly slaves.
The grave yard on the top of the island was hard to access last year due to a tornado taking down trees. The groups that maintain that island and many other small family grave yards like it dating back to pre 1800s are all volunteer groups. They were called the sons and daughters of confederate soldiers. They are descendants of those burried there. Facebook has labeled their groups hate groups and banned them. Talking to a local DNR officer who knows one of groups who used to keep the trails and graves clear said they are afraid to preserve such sites now as they are afraid of threats of protests and all the personal/financial issues that can come along with the protests.
It's kind of a shame that my son may not be able to show his kids those graves one day as they will be claimed quickly by the forests. Its a part of history that is easily forgotten and much like the war of 1812 has been watered down and washed from school history books.