St Clair River no wake zones

We motored from Lake Erie up in to lake st Claire yesterday, currently enjoying gross point YC. Glorious run here in the pouring rain. Anyway tomorrow headed up the st Claire river to Lexington. Can anyone comment on no wake zones in the st Claire river? Are there any and are they well marked?
here are pics from the run yesterday

here are pics from the run yesterday

07' Cruisers 390 (Previous Rinker's: 06' 342EC & 01' 310FV)
The water level has dropped about 18” from then though. There was big flooding in the flats area at the north end of Lk St Clair. This map was from couple yrs ago.
Thinking we will be anchored down at the south end of Stag Isle tomorrow. Honk when you go by on your way North.
supposed to be good weather tomorrow. Sunny with N winds 5-10mph. Might be a bit rough once you hit Lake Huron.
Liberty those are pretty impressive numbers, the most I can get out of my 410 is 2780 rpm at 31 gallons per hour that produced around 25 mph . My cruise seems to be 2450 at 28 gallons per hour . I think in the fall I will try to get my props scanned and re pitched.
Pretty sure we passed you on your northbound trek about 5 miles south of the Bluewater bridge at 12:45pm ish yesterday?
I was waving from the CDN side.
Have fun in Lexington. Hopefully the border opens to non-essential travel soon. We have a lot of cool ports to see on the Canadian side.
You should have seen Lexington, MI after the financial crisis. That place was a ghost town. If you really searched around - you might have found a slice of pizza. Looked like it was bombed out.