Parts and accessories for Rinker 350

Hello, friends!
I'm new here, but I've been running a Rinker 350 for almost a year now.
Any vessel requires maintenance and service, but the previous owner had his own views on this.
Tell me where you can buy such spare parts for Rinker boats?
I am interested in such parts as cockpit lighting, buttons, fuses, engine instruments (mercruiser 350 mag mpi), water system, air conditioning...
Engine and general maintenance products are everywhere including Amazon, eBay. Just Google for boat parts and look for the best prices. Make sure to buy quality products and not junk from China and you should be good.
For parts that are Rinker-specific ... canvas, bow rails, windows, seats and so forth ... it's eBay or Great Lakes Skipper, as @skennelly said. Or get them custom-made.
Are you interested in cockpit or cabin carpet? Great Lakes Skipper usually has a selection of various types of each, but stock comes in and out.
If it's cabin carpet they'll send you samples for $10 - or just go to any carpet store to try and match what you are looking for.
If it's cockpit carpet, again, multiple sources it's just a matter a finding a company that already has your pattern or you'd need to make a template for them to follow.