Beware of anything in your engine compartment

So after having our 340 FV hauled out and replacing a trim line that was leaking a new issue reared its ugly head. Just wanted to send out a word of caution when doing anything inside the engine compartment. Turns out a wrapper from something that must have been under one of the engines was sucked into the blower hose causing it to overheat and lodge itself in the blades. It must have been incredibly hot since the motor melted itself into the body of the tube. Installed an Attwood Turbo 4000 and now good as new. Make sure to leave with absolutely everything you go in with when repairing anything under that engine hood. Not entirely sure if it's something that I may have dropped or left there by the previous owner? Anyhow, good luck to all, just something to keep in mind
My niece's husband once crashed a small airplane because a mechanic left a wrench that got fouled in the rigging. It's no joke. @CnC I'm glad it didn't start a fire.