2002 fiesta vee 270 radio overheat!

maxwellmaxwell Member Posts: 106
hey guys...had her out and did a bunch of high speed cruising this weekend with the battery charger switch in the cabin control board in the (on) position..

radio going  playing music..(just radio),,,and then after a while ..disaster!!

we started to smell wire burn smell..shut everything down..checked motor..it was fine..
went into cabin an tracked smell to a VERY HOT!! radio housing!

shut it off..smell went away..


can i NOT have radio going when cruising at high speed??do not want to start a fire ..like I almost did..!

should I always shut down control board battery charger switch when operating the engine??and only engage it when hooked up to shore power???

is the radio on some kind of charging feedback loop when engine is going high speed??could that be the problem?

I can not find a fuse for it..location?

all help appreciated..thanks..

also ,where is the generator located??if I have one??

control board says i do...


  • LaReaLaRea Member, Moderator Posts: 7,808 mod
    OK, let me start by saying this:  Since you don't even know whether your boat has a generator, I'm guessing you haven't had time to learn much about the boat.  I strongly recommend finding somebody who knows boats, and get them to spend a half-hour teaching you about your boat!  Payment in beer is universally accepted for such services!   :)

    The battery charger only works when you are connected to shore power, or when the generator is running.  Otherwise, having it on or off makes no difference.  

    In general, you can go as fast or slow as you want, and it has no effect on your boat's electrical systems.  So I'm thinking either:  (1) your engine's alternator has a faulty voltage regulator, or (2) it's just an electrical problem that would have happened anyway.  

    I'd hire a mechanic to review the entire electrical system.  
  • maxwellmaxwell Member Posts: 106
    edited July 2021
    I know..I must seem like a dumb ****
  • Pat310Pat310 Member Posts: 575 ✭✭✭
    If @LaRea ‘s beer payment doesn’t work out…when I moved up to a cruiser, the 3 hours I spent following the surveyor around asking a million questions was a great way to learn where things were and how they worked. Things like where to find through hulls, clean strainers, start generator, what switches work what…. You get the idea. Might be worth your while to hire a surveyor or marine mechanic to show you. 
  • LaReaLaRea Member, Moderator Posts: 7,808 mod
    maxwell said:
    I know..I must seem like a dumb ****
    NOT!  Everybody here has been where you are now!  But it does sound like there might be something fishy with the electrical system.  

    Never underestimate the value of finding a good mechanic and establishing a personal relationship.  It will pay off.  

    But, for starters -- take some pictures of your engine room and post them here.  That will help us answer your questions.  
  • Aqua_AuraAqua_Aura Member Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Most control boards have the generator button whether or not you have a generator. They just used the same board regardless of options. If the radio was hot and no wires burned just get a new radio they are not that expensive and probably a good upgrade for your boat. Check all the wiring and check voltage before getting a new one. 
    1997 Bayliner 3988
  • maxwellmaxwell Member Posts: 106
    Thanks everyone ..good advice...going up this weekend to check voltage with an engineer friend.will report...Monday...
    purchased  the boat for a song...because the previous  owners widow found out the   marina guy that was trying to sell it for her was using it for a girl/crash pad..
    (toilet..was full..after being  empty...)busted entertaining...ect.
    She pulled the boat out... to another marina...and asked them to sell it for her..Thats where I came into it...
    The boat store told me that the guy had sabatoged the thing so it would not start...
    hoping to get it for nothing after her husband died..
    They found the sabatoge..fixed it ,but.

    it  could be, he did more then they were aware of...
    hope I am wrong..
    or the electric problem could be,because I changed the name!
    as it was...The moment I installed the new decal..I looked up ,upon completing the job..and a 30 foot ,out of control sailboat almost head on rammed me while docked..!
    at the last minute..the guy figured out the rudder is what steers it..not the little motor!
    he rammed another boat next to me,and the dock ,missing my boat by about a foot..!
    I almost crapped in my pants...
    there may be something to that name changing warning... :

  • maxwellmaxwell Member Posts: 106
    radio works fine now,friend said it appears normal..said the back of the unit is suppose to get warm..why the top got hot as heck is a mystery..
    I may replace it ...for peace of mind..
    friend said that its a high end after market stereo system though,with all the bells and whistles..
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