Solar Panel help

Hey guys, a couple of questions for those you with solar panels to help prolong your batteries for extended off power trips. My wife and I just spent our first 2 nighter and with both fridges running the batteries lasted pretty much 2 days. We were being very conservative with lights and anything else that would cause a draw and I did turn the fridges down to reduce the cycling. It would be nice to keep both running a little longer if possible so I'm wondering what system everyone else is using? A few of our new boater friends are using a 3 panel 300W system with alligator clips that simply attached to their battery. This seems to keep them at full charge. They only have one house battery though where we have two? Can these panels be wired to charge more than one battery at a time or would they need an isolator block of some sort? Secondly, will we need more than the 300W system? Meaning more panels, say 4? Can you purchase higher wattage panels? And finally, because our engine hatch sounds like the actuators are trying to lift a concrete wall when I use them could a set of cables be rigged up on a block somehow within the cockpit that the panels could easily clip to and then removed so the panels could be folded back up and stored on one of the berths when not in use? If so, what would that set up and wiring look like? @YYZRC I'm hoping you'll chime in on this one!
As always thanks in advance
As always thanks in advance
I ran the solar cable up the inside of the arch and have the panels wired to the controller which is then wired directly to the house batteries. You could wire the solar to the isolator but you would lose a bit of power due to inefficiency of the isolator and your starting batteries should be fine anyway.
From victron manual:
Danger of battery explosion from sparking
Danger of electric shock
Install the product in a heatproof environment. Ensure therefore that there are no chemicals, plastic parts, curtains or other textiles, etc. in the immediate vicinity of the equipment.
The product is not allowed to be mounted in a user accessible area.
Ensure that the equipment is used under the correct operating conditions. Never operate it in a wet environment.
Never use the product at sites where gas or dust explosions could occur.
Ensure that there is always sufficient free space around the product for ventilation.
Refer to the specifications provided by the manufacturer of the battery to ensure that the battery is suitable for use with this product. The battery manufacturer's safety instructions should always be observed.
Protect the solar modules from incident light during installation, e.g. cover them.
Never touch uninsulated cable ends.
Use only insulated tools.
This product is designed and tested in accordance with international standards. The equipment should be used for the designated application only.
Connections must always be made in the sequence described in the Installation chapter of this manual.
The installer of the product must provide a means for cable strain relief to prevent the transmission of stress to the connections.
In addition to this manual, the system operation or service manual must include a battery maintenance manual applicable to the type of batteries used.