Generator Question?

So, How do you feel about swimming in the water around your boat with the generator running? Always hear about stray current at the dock and not sure why that would be different with the generator running. Any thoughts?
Electric Shock Drowning (ESD)
Don’t swim in a marina or near docks with electrical power. A 120-volt electrical failure on your boat, a neighboring boat or the dock can—in fact often does—energize the water for many feet around it, which can be lethal. Turn off 120-volt generators and inverters while swimming at anchor too.
Most marinas, will not let you swim near them. Too many deaths from shock.
As for CO, everyone has an opinion on it. There aren't too many times when in a larger raft-up when someone isn't running a generator. So, yes, I've swam and will continue to swim with a generator running. I'm not generally hanging around underneath or near the outlet of the generator.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
That's why you should never swim in a marina or near any pier with shore power. The only safe way to enter the water in a marina is turn off power to the entire pier.
With a genny on an anchored boat, the current source is aboard the boat. Current doesn't need a return path to earth. So shock in the water isn't an issue.