Trouble with fresh water pump
Hello, just bought a 2007 246 bowrider and I am having trouble with the pump for the fresh water tank. The boat was winterized and had pink antifreeze liquid in the tank. I was working to flush the tank by filling and draining through the transom shower when it stopped pumping. Any tips to get the pump going again? I can hear the pump is on when the galley pump switch is flipped but no water will come out of either shower or sink.
switch must be on
make sure the shower head and faucet head are not clogged =should have screens inside sometimes they get clogged
I will check the lines for blockages as well.
If the water tank is full, and you can hear the pump running, and no water is flowing, it probably means the pump has failed. In my experience, they generally last for only 2-3 seasons of regular use.
Probably needs to be primed and while you're doing that I would clean the strainer that should be on the pump as well.
Your strainer should look something like the one circled in red. Unscrew the plastic cup and clean the screen inside
On the 246 - clean the strainer as mentioned by many above. Strainer should be right close to the water pump.
After that - use a small wet/dry ShopVac.
Turn your sink on with the pump running.
Cup your hand around the sink spiggot with the ShopVac nozzle. You'll prime that system in 2 seconds.
That will at least rule out of your water pump is buggered.
as @shawnmjr said above clean your faucet screen at the sink spigot & the screen on the transom shower handle. Pretty sure the 246 has a transom shower can’t remember???
Flow will be way bettter. Lot of crud & bits of plastic stick to those little filter screens.