Captiva 272 350 Mag Mpi owners , prop question

Justin07Justin07 Member Posts: 5
Hi all, I have a 2001 captiva 272 350 mag mpi B3 24p 3 blade props. 
The boat doesn't go over 4000rpm max speed 38-40mph.  I'm told by a local dealer that 24p is too much pitch for my setup.  And i should pitch down.

I'm wondering what pitch props you all have on you 350 mag mpi's what top speed and rpm



  • captkevincaptkevin Member Posts: 303 ✭✭
    edited August 2021
    If you are only getting 4000rpm you could definitely be over pitched. My 232 with 350 mpi has 26p on a bravo 3 & does pretty good. Could be better out of hole with full load but does ok. Has awesome top end. Your boat being quite a bit heavier with same motor would need much lower pitch props.
    Post edited by captkevin on
    2004 232
    2021 Yamaha Fx svho
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