Hill Marine 22p or 24p on a 270 with a 383?

Going to make the move to a different size prop, the 20p's pop right up on plane but at 4k rpms I'm barely at 26mph. That coupled with the reason I bought the 383 was because of the tq makes me want to try something else. Don't forget that before changing to hill marine the motor absolutely made more noise and sounded like it was working harder, makes me think there is some untapped potential here. Not that I want this to be a speed boat, but cruising at closer to 30 and topping out around 40 (as others have said they do) would be nice. Right now I'm not sure if the boat would even hit 35 and that's with fresh bottom paint and everything clean.
The boat originally had 22p 3 blades on it. Is there any other 270 out there with either 22 or 24 hill marine 4 blades AND a 383 ?? Interested to hear what you all think, and if someone who has them with the 383 can chime in that'd be great.
The boat originally had 22p 3 blades on it. Is there any other 270 out there with either 22 or 24 hill marine 4 blades AND a 383 ?? Interested to hear what you all think, and if someone who has them with the 383 can chime in that'd be great.
They are being super nice about possibly sending them back (and paying a few hundred for resurface/restock) - the problem is I can't be propless for even a week (it'd be more like two or three) during hurricane season. The other thing is if I do have to pull the boat I'd much prefer to do the swap on land vs in the water, although I have done prop swaps on a B3 three times in my life (two were a friends twin engine boat, once was mine)..
Just not sure if 22 would be enough and if 24 would be too much.
I suppose I could just buy the new set for 1000ish and sell the old ones for 700ish... and still be fine.. just annoying to deal with Ebay/fees, buyers, etc...