2001 vs. 2002 Measurements 310 FV for winter cover

Rinker310_LIRinker310_LI Member Posts: 22
I can't seem to figure out why winter cover manufacturers only stock template sizes for the 2000,2001 Rinker 310 FV.  If you use any of the major sellers 'find a cover' option you can find the 2001 310 FV but if you select 2002 310FV there will be no matching size winter covers.  I am pretty sure the dimensions of the vessel did not change from 2001 to 2002.  I have a 2002 310 FV and am looking for a pre-made winter cover and can find none specifically made for an 02.  Anyone know if there is a difference ? 
2002 Rinker 310

Best Answer

  • Dream_InnDream_Inn Member, Moderator Posts: 7,691 mod
    Answer ✓
    Very minimal changes from 01 to 02. Dash is one of them.  Also edit to mai engines with smart craft. Hull is identical.  This takes me back to the times I was looking to buy one and got a 2002 310.  Great boat!

    Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express


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