Engine Tops out at 60% engagement of Throttle
2001 340 FV twin 340 mag mpi (300 hp) with Bravo III. Replaced port engine and since then hits WOT at about 60% throttle engagement. Have about 35 hrs on install. Shifter console and cables about 3 years old. New injectors installed with long block. Can’t find any problem with linkage. Any ideas? Note starboard engine and control goes full throttle engagement at WOT. Also props are in excellent shape and bottom clean.
How about your spark plug wires?
When you say hits W.O.T what exactly are you referring to? The binnacle hits the forward stop or the motor wont rev any higher? What are the max RPM'S you are seeing?
Motors idled fine, problem only appeared under load.
Had dealer techs come by & hook up laptop.
Long story short....2X caps, rotors & 16 sparkolators.......everything perfect.
3 yrs is easily long enough for corrosion on the caps
PC BYC, Holland, MI