prop size and 'big eared' prop?

May have already asked this so sorry if I did
Hey guys. Dock neighbor just bought a 1994
Wellcraft Excel 26. Has the 5.7 Mercruiser Alpha 1. Any idea what prop
should be on it? Another guy noticed the prop looked really odd and
owner said he was told it had a trolling prop on it? No idea what it
should have but another guy there has a 1999 24' Martinique with Alpha 1
and told him he needed the 'big ear' prop and they were different than
his 24'er? Any ideas? Thanks!
EDIT: went to the Solas props site and put in 'general' numbers for size and weight and got a recommendation but is there a 'big eared' prop? is there such a thing? Boat is 26', dry weight is about 4700lbs. it's a cruiser much like the 26' Fiesta Vee.