Need new bow and cockpit snap covers

The snap on bow and cockpit covers of my 2004 Captiva 232 BR are worn out. I trailer the boat a lot and I think the wind is really taking it's toll. Yes, I always tow with the covers on. In over 15 years of boating I've lost a motor box cover, several life jackets, a 5' tube, and almost lost a seat cushion so I eventually learned my lesson.
I've found one place on the internet that offers the cockpit cover and claims it's Rinker OEM but they want almost $2,000 for it and don't even install the snaps on the cover. Further, they claim they aren't taking any orders at this time due to high demand.
I live far from water (thus all the trailering) so I don't have any custom marine canvas shops nearby. Does anybody know where I could order the OEM style covers?