Motor cuts out briefly after about 20 minutes

Hi. I have a 1999 Rinker 330 Fiesta Vee. My issue is that when I'm running on plane, after 20 minutes or so the starboard engine cuts out briefly and then kicks back in. At first, you wouldn't even know its happening if you're not looking at the synchronizer. After a few minutes, you can see it in the tach. After that, you can hear and feel it. The boat will pull to the starboard side for a split second. Finally, the engine cuts out entirely. When I stop, it will almost always fire back up after a minute. I can run as long as I want at 2000 RPM, but if I take it up on plane, or try to, it will cut out again. It never fails at 2000 RPM or below. There are no alarms associated with this failure.
Here's what I've tried so far. I have replaced plugs, wires, rotor and cap. I replaced the ignition coil. I have also replaced the ignition sensor under the rotor and cap. None of this fixed the problem. The engine doesn't appear to be overheating. I don't know if I trust the guage, so I hit it with a heat gun, and its fine. I also tested the fuel pressure. I'm getting around 50 psi and its not dropping during failure.
I've gone through more than a full tank of gas with this problem, so its not old gas.
I'm at my wits end. Nothing I've tried touches the problem. Any help would be appreciated. I'm not an expert mechanic, so I don't mind some detailed suggestions or ideas on testing. (or if you think I missed something obvioius.) Thanks in advance.