98 Fiesta Vee 266 - 5.7L - outdrive question

Just bought this boat - first powerboat I've ever owned, so newbie to this world - it's different from the sailboat world, which is what I'm used to. No trailer, so she's in the water. How do I find out which outdrive I've got? Need to buy a zinc kit for her so when I haul her next week, I can replace them. Don't KNOW that the zincs need replacement, but the person that owned her before me ... well, let's just say that other than changing the oil and plugs on the engine, she's been seriously neglected for the past 2 years or so and hasn't been out of the water in that time.
This is where I get mine
She's been in the water for two years with little attention? I'd bet good money that the outdrive paint has failed, and corrosion is chomping away on all that yummy aluminum. When you haul out, set aside a block of time for scraping and painting. And you'll probably need to have the hull cleaned too.
You'll probably need to scrape and paint annually ... especially if you have a Bravo 3 with stainless steel propellers. Look up "dissimilar metal corrosion" for details.
Engine serial number - OL064409
Agree with @YYZRC . If you lift the drive up and see two propellers piggy backing each other it’s a Bravo 3 .