2008 276BR amp mount location

I found the amp located under the sink on starboard side. it appears to be screwed into the fiberglass hull which freaked me out and went to check to see if any screws penetrated all the way thru, thought previous owner may have screwed up and I didnt catch it at time of purchase, but no screws penetrated to outside of hull. anyhow how thick is the hull? appears to be at least 1 inch long screws that were used for factory amp mounting.the amp was bad and want to replace it but honestly its freaking me out being screwed to the hull, is there any wood there for these screws to bite into? pure fiberglass? how thick is the hull at this location? Did rinker fiberglass a piece of wood to the hull for mounting the amp? Dont want to take any chances on this. any help or knowledge would be appreciated.
Also is there supposed to be a penel that covers the amp and wiring under the sink? when you open storage door under sink can see straight thru to hull and amps is this normal?

Good to be open for air circulation tho.